Bollywood’s Dabangg actor Salman Khan has become a target of heavy trolling and criticism after Sushant Singh Rajput’s death. People don’t seem to forgive him anytime soon. And the comments on his latest post are a proof. Salman has been living at his farmhouse in Panvel ever since the government announced lockdown in March. He seems to be spending more time with nature as his farmhouse is surrounded by farms. He recently posted a picture of himself all covered in mud. In the caption, he showed gratitude towards farmers for their tireless work in scorching heat and wrote, “Respect to all the farmers.” However, his gratitude-filled post didn’t go well with people who called it fake. A user was quick to point out, “You rubbed mud in your face but forgot your legs!” Similar comments are doing rounds on Twitter. On the work front, Salman will be next seen in film ‘Radhe’.