Japan confirms 407 COVID-19 infections on Sunday; Tokyo reports 206

2020-07-13 54

日코로나 신규확진 또 400명 넘어…대형행사 속속 재개

Japan continues to see a surge in COVID-19 infections,... reporting over four hundred on Sunday alone.
According to NHK,... Japan reported 407 cases,... up from 386 the previous day.
Having also reported 430 on Friday,... Japan has seen over 2-thousand cases in just the past week.
Amongst the worst hit cities,... Tokyo confirmed 206 cases on Sunday,... reporting at least 200 in four straight days.
The resurgence comes as Japan lifted restrictions on mass gatherings with pro sports leagues allowing fans into stadiums last Friday.
Japan has so far confirmed around 22-thousand-300 cases.