Ex-lovers Deepika Padukone and Ranbir Kapoor have happily moved on in their lives. The duo dated for years before they had an ugly breakup. Deepika then found love in Ranveer Singh and married him while Ranbir fell in love with Katrina Kaif and then Alia Bhatt. Do you know that Deepika once called Ranbir ‘pathetic boyfriend’? It happened when Ranbir Kapoor and Konkana Sen Sharma appeared on Koffee With Karan and a clip of Sonam Kapoor and Deepika Padukone was played during the show. While Sonam said all the nice things about Ranbir, Deepika was too blunt. While rating Ranbir on sex appeal, Deepika gave him “minus one”. She continued and said, “I think Ranbir as a boyfriend is pathetic. If there was a minus scale, he'll top that scale.” She also added, “Honestly, he’s not one of the nicest co-stars I have worked with. He’s extremely unprofessional, very distracted, doesn’t let you concentrate and doesn’t concentrate himself. He’s constantly feeding his actress so that they become fat and look worst than he does. If you’re feeling cold, he will never give you his jacket, instead he will give you two hot water bottles and think suddenly you will start feeling warm.”
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