Religious gatherings banned in S. Korea in bid to stem COVID-19 cluster infections

2020-07-09 22

오늘부터 교회 소모임•식사 금지...전자출입명부 의무화

The South Korean government's ban on small gatherings in churches,... as well as other social distancing measures take effect today,... amid the rising concerns over a second wave of COVID-19 infections from religious facilities.
Churches are now barred from hosting small bible classes, choir practices and lunch services.
Churches must also use QR-code based entry logs to keep records of worshippers who participate in services,... while congregations will be prohibited from chanting or praying loudly.
Religious services resumed activity on Sundays in early May,... as well as small gatherings and events on weekdays.
However, such meetings have emerged as new infection clusters,... including a Catholic church and a Buddhist Temple.