Trump says he's open to another summit with Kim

2020-07-08 16

'북미 3차 정상회담 가능' 트럼프 발언 현실성은?

The prospects for a third North Korea-U.S. summit happening before America's presidential election in November might be brightening,... as President Trump says he's open to meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
However,... watchers say an intense degree of diplomatic effort would be required to make it happen.
Lee Seung-jae reports.
In an interview with Gray Television on Tuesday,... U.S. President Donald Trump signaled that he's open to holding another summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un,... despite Pyeongyang's repeated claims that it has no intention of doing so.
The latest comments appear to show the U.S. president could be pushing for a summit in October to boost his chances of winning re-election the following month.
Experts in Washington have also expressed optimism that a summit could happen.
President Trump's remarks come as U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun is in Seoul to discuss North Korea related issues,... which in some people's eyes raises the possibility of another face-to-face between the two leaders.
The need for a third summit was also raised by President Moon Jae-in,... who said his administration will do all it can to facilitate it.
However,... despite the interest expressed by Seoul and Washington,... it remains to be seen if the North will be interested.
Experts say the reality is much more difficult,... as the North would only accept if there's a new approach to the denuclearization talks,...namely,... the lifting of economic sanctions on North Korea.
Trump and Kim have met three times since June 2018,... with one involving President Moon.
However,.. their subsequent lower-level meetings failed to make much progress,... as they remained far apart over the scope of North Korea's denuclearization and sanctions relief from the U.S.
But with less than four months to go until the U.S. election.,... time may be running out for all parties as it could be the best,... if not the only chance in the near future,... to achieve the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.