Ferrocarriles Argentinos - Estacion de Trenes - Paso a nivel con barreras 1973

2020-07-08 12

Bs. As .: Passengers waiting for the train on the platforms of the railway terminal station. Train formation entering the platform. Train formation crossing a bridge over a street in the Barracas neighborhood. Train formation starting from a station. Argentine Railways train crossing level crossing with barriers. Passengers in platform and train formation arriving at the station. Moving train with images of the rails and crossing by bridge probably in Palermo. Train formation departing to the Tigre station. Cabin image of the signalman. Image of the 7098 locomotive traveling on the railway section. Passengers traveling inside the car. Image of the 5231 locomotive stopped outside the workshops of the Argentine Railways. Image with the interior of the locomotive and the instrument panel. (Without sound)
Date: 1973
Duration: 2 minutes 53 seconds
Film code: B-02325

Copyright DiFilm Archive - Buenos Aires - Argentina
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