Operativo policial en Plaza Miserere - Barrio de Once - Buenos Aires 1966

2020-07-08 3

Bs. As .: Police operation in the Federal Capital. General views of Plaza Once with little influx of people. General views of the mounted police patrolling a street. Close-ups of a hydrant truck repressing protesters with water. Close-ups of ambulances circulating on streets. Close-ups of policemen moving in a repressive formation. Close-ups of police officers arresting men in a plaza. Close-ups of a man handcuffed to two policemen and being taken to a police car. Close-ups of an assault car with police and circulating on the street. General views of numerous policemen entering a premises. Close-ups of a policeman falling from the horse. General views of policemen running down a street. General views of protesters throwing papers. Close-ups of a wooden barricade and an estate van with broken glass. General views of police officers arresting men. Close-ups of a journalist talking on the phone from a booth on the street. Close-ups of a protester detained by the police and taken to an ambulance. (Day-Night / No sound)
Date: 10/17/1966
Duration: 3 minutes 41 seconds
Film code: B-06240

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