Fabrica de automoviles IKA Renault - Pelicula Documental 1975

2020-07-08 9

IKA Renault car factory
The largest industrial complex in the country and in Latin America
Film description: Aerial views of the IKA Renault car factory. Assembly and assembly line of the Renault 4, Renault 6, Renault 12 and Torino cars. General views of the Cordoba mountains. Close-ups of the front of a church-convent. Aerial views of the capital city of Córdoba. Aerial views of the IKA Renault car factory. General views of operators working in the factory. General views of men working in the design and computing department. General views of operators working in the factory. General views of men working on the assembly of speed boxes. General views of women working in the electronics department. General views of men working in the smelting furnaces. Test of Renault 6 and Torino cars on all types of terrain. Close-ups of the pilot Luis Rubén Di Palma conversing with a man. Close-ups of the Torino car (01) running in a race of the Road Grand Prix. General views of the interior of the IKA Renault factory. General views of children, presumably children of factory staff, attending a study class and community dining room. General views of a housing complex. General views of young people working with lathes in a section of the factory. General views of the bodies passing through the paint and drying plant. General views of the vehicles being loaded onto the cargo trucks to be taken to the official dealerships. Close-ups of a Renault 12 car placed on display at an official dealer. Test of a Renault 12 car on all types of terrain.
Date: 1975
Duration: 11 minutes 49 seconds
Film code: D-01274

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