Facebook, WhatsApp to suspend providing user data to Hong Kong authorities, in response to national security law

2020-07-07 1

페이스북•왓츠앱, 홍콩보안법 맞대응… 주영 중국대사 "영국, 홍콩 관련 부적절한 주장 계속해"

In a response to the national security law that came into effect in Hong Kong,... Facebook and its messaging service WhatsApp say they are suspending requests from Hong Kong authorities for information on users.
The move follows the Chinese government's criticism of Western powers who continue to voice concerns over the new legislation.
Kim Hyo-sun reports.
Global social media platforms including Facebook and WhatsApp will begin blocking the Hong Kong government's requests for user data,... following the implementation of the new national security law that came into effect in Hong Kong last week.
Facebook said Monday that the move will be in place until further assessment,... adding that it followed formal consultations with human rights experts.
Under the sweeping national security law enacted by Beijing,... all acts of subversion, terrorism and collusion with foreign forces are banned in Hong Kong.
Articles 9 and 10 of the legislation specifically states that the Hong Kong government shall intensify supervision, guidance and regulation of schools, media, and the Internet,... over matters concerning national security.
This means Hong Kong authorities can request portal websites delete articles or other content deemed to be in violation of the legislation.
Amid continued global criticism of China over the controversial law,... Beijing's ambassador to Britain accused the UK government of making "irresponsible remarks" on Hong Kong affairs.
"This move constitutes a gross interference in China's internal affairs and openly tramples on the basic norms governing international relations. The Chinese side has lost solemn representation to the UK side to express its grave concern, and the strong opposition. I want to emphasize that Hong Kong is a part of China. Hong Kong affairs are China's internal affairs and brook no external interference."
Beijing also issued a travel warning for Canada on Monday,... explaining that their bilateral ties could deteriorate following Ottawa's angry response to the new security law.
Canada continues to voice concerns over the legislation's impact on Hong Kong's special rights,... suspending its extraordinary treaty with the island as well as halting exports of sensitive military equipment to the financial hub.
Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.

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