Sea-level rise may overwhelm mangroves by 2050. Mangrove trees won't survive sea-level rise by 2050 if emissions aren't cut. Mangrove Forests. Greenhouse gas bad impact . KID'S IDEAS By Prasanti.

2020-07-05 35

Due to pollution, we are experirncing an unhealthy life. Not only us, our mothernature is also sick and the reason behind pollution is overpopulation of human beings means (us) and due to overpopulation the level of greenhouse gas (mainly carbon dioxide) is increasing in high amounts and the greenhouse gas produced by us, is harming our nature and us.

Hey everyone, my name is Prasanti and today’s topic is what will happen with the mangrove trees in 2050?
• Mangroves store large amounts of carbon and protect coastal areas
• At current levels of carbon emissions mangroves will vanish by 2050
• Sea-level rise at six millimetres per year found to stop mangrove growth
Before starting the topic, I am going to show you a video.

In the video, you can see that the sea water is increasing, due to the level of greenhouse gas slowly slowly the water is hiding the mangrove trees……..

An international group of researchers predicts in a new study that by 2050 the world’s mangroves will vanish if the rate of sea-level rise exceeds six millimetres per year.

Sea-level rise currently stands at 3.4 millimetres per year — against the 1.8 millimetres in the last century — with the rate projected to increase to five millimetres per year over the next few decades and double that by 2100, posing a threat to mangroves and coastal settlements, according to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

“Mangroves can expand and continue accreting at current and higher rates of sea-level rise, but the probability of survival begins to decline at higher levels” Erica Ashe, Rutgers University

Neil Saintilan, an author of the study, published 5 June in Science, and researcher at the department of earth and environmental sciences, Macquarie University, tells SciDev.Net that “the threshold of a six millimetre sea-level rise is one that will be easily surpassed on tropical coastlines, if society does not make concerted efforts to
cut carbon emissions”.

“We know that sea-level rise is inevitable due to climate change, but not much is known about how different rates of sea-level rise affect the growth of mangroves, which is an important ecosystem for the health of the earth,” he says.

Saintilan was critical of studies, including by the IPCC, suggesting that tidal wetlands can respond to very high rates of sea-level rise (10 millimetres per year or more) by building up the surface of the marsh. “These studies are based on shortterm observations that have demonstrated high rates of accretion over a few years.”

“The concern is that this was being picked up by important climate change adaptation documents like the IPCC’s special report on the oceans and cryosphere without the caveats of these studies being properly represented,” says Saintilan.

“The problem with this approach is that we don’t know whether high rates of ‘vertical accretion are sustainable over a long term, or how mangroves would respond when sea-level rise accelerates beyond what can currently be observed

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