Adorable schoolboy sings Frank Sinatra hit to stay calm while having vaccine

2020-07-03 42

This is the heartwarming moment a nervous schoolboy sings "I Love You Baby" to stay calm while having a vaccine.

Raven Skye, 5, was terrified of the needle for the anti-rabies shot after he was was scratched by a stray cat while playing at home in Caloocan City on June 21.

His family took him to the local clinic so he could have an injection but he began trembling and crying when the doctor produced the needle.

However, Raven began singing the Frank Sinatra classic 'I Love You Baby' between tears to forget about the painful shot while the medics reassured him that it would be over quickly.

The boy's aunt, Marie Chris Kyosa, said Raven had shrugged off the scratches from the cat but the needle had scared him.

She said: "His brothers and sisters tease him about the needle at home so his fears grew. I'm glad he found a healthy and fun way to cope with his fears."

The caring aunt added that Raven likes singing and dancing so he knew the Frank Sinatra song from watching videos.