Post-COVID Growth Engine: South Korean innovators reinventing the car

2020-07-03 23

Post-COVID Growth Engine: 2027년 완전 자율주행차 목표... 미래차가 가져올 변화들

COVID-19 has paralysed auto sales across the world, as supply and demand for cars have both plummeted.
And even after the global economy recovers, fundamental changes to the industry mean the car industry cannot return to normal.
South Korea is getting ready for this future with its "New Deal" strategy,... with local innovators designing cars like we've never seen before.
The second installment of our four-part series, Oh Soo-young reports.
A mobility firm in western Seoul is reinventing the car.
With fully autonomous level five self-driving technology,... the simple, box-like vehicle is a canvas for future car prototypes,... from delivery ca
rs to commuter shuttles and 5G-powered vans.
"Until now, cars have been mass manufactured and sold as a single, general purpose vehicle. But in the future, people will want at least three, and up to 10 different cars for different occasions and purposes the way we own multiple smart devices. It won't be about buying a specific driverless vehicle but buying different driving software services."
Under a regulatory sandbox, the firm is testing (four) self-driving modular vehicles to serve as platforms for diverse mobility solutions,... running on the superfast 5G network.
The South Korean government, as part of its "New Deal" strategy for the post-coronavirus economy,... has highlighted "future cars" as a core growth sector.
It aims to scale up Korea's green car production and commercialise fully driverless cars by 2027.
With the COVID-19 pandemic upending the traditional automobile sector, experts say carmakers' lifelines depend on innovation,... which requires more than just a few flashy features.
"It's generally agree that the future car requires three main things which includes a number one new vehicle or energy source, number two, connected and automated vehicle technology and infrastructure, and last but not least a mass manufacturing capacity. And I think industry wise with these three combination already on hand, I think Korean car makers or a maker to be technically correct are in a prime position to start fast and possibly lead the charge for the foreseeable future."
Experts say authorities must clarify regulations on the usage of data and new technologies needed to test and develop future cars and provide more supportive infrastructure to support driverless vehicles.
Oh Soo-young, Arirang News.

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