Shocked resident finds large monitor lizard stretched out in front of the TV set

2020-06-30 1

A nervous man called for help when he thought the reptile that raided his house was a crocodile but it turned out to be a large monitor lizard.

The frantic resident rang the emergency services to help him catch a "crocodile" that hid inside his house in Ang Thong, central Thailand.

Footage from last Sunday morning (June 28) shows the rescuers attempting to catch the reptile that was in fact just a monitor lizard.

They covered the reptile's head with a cloth before they tied it up and brought it out of the house.

The house owner said he was baffled after the reptile had raided into his house before running straight to the television, where it stretched out on the ground.

He said: "At first I thought it was a crocodile because I only saw a glimpse of it but when I took a closer look I realised it was just a big monitor lizard.

"I was confused by its long tail. The rescue team came and caught it in my living room."