EU names 14 countries to allow visitors, including S. Korea, Canada, and Australia

2020-06-30 9

EU, 한국 등 14개국 입국 허용 국가 리스트 발표

As of tomorrow, July 1st, travelers from at least 14 countries including South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Thailand will be allowed to enter the European Union, after representatives from the EU's member states deemed those nations "safe."
Not on the list are the U.S., Brazil, Russia, and India where infection rates continue to rise.
Travelers from China will be among those permitted entry if Beijing reciprocates.
UK nationals are still considered EU citizens until the end of the Brexit transition period on December 31st.
The so-called "safe list" will be updated every fortnight, however, and is only advisory, meaning EU member states can deviate at their will.