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Top S. Korean official urges North to explain demolition of joint liaison office

2020-06-30 17

문정인 "북도 변해야…연락사무소 폭파 해명해야"

North Korea should offer an explanation for its demolition of the inter-Korean joint liaison office at Gaeseong as it's difficult for South Koreans to come to terms with it as the office symbolized reconciliation and peace between the two Koreas.
That's President Moon Jae-in's special advisor for diplomatic and security affairs, Moon Chung-in, during a peace forum Tuesday.
He also urged the North to change course and restore communication lines, which it cut off several weeks ago.
To make progress, Moon called for stronger South Korea, U.S. diplomacy as Seoul's close ties with Washington are essential in reviving the dialogue momentum between the U.S. and North Korea... as well as with Pyeongyang's traditional allies, China and Russia.