S. Korea reports 43 new COVID-19 cases on Tues., many linked to churches and door-to-door sales

2020-06-30 5

신규확진 43명…교회-사찰-방판업체 지역감염 지속•해외유입

Small cluster infections continue to pop up in South Korea... leading to 43 new cases of COVID 19 being reported today.
Among today's total, 23 were locally transmitted... many related to religious facilities and door-to-door sales companies.
The rest were imported...13 of which were detected at quarantine checkpoints.
But, the government says the nation's medical system is sufficient enough in handling the situation...and there's no need to strengthen social distancing measures.
However, if COVID-19 continues to spread nationwide among small groups, the government said it can legally impose restrictions on gatherings.