S. Korea's KC-330 Cygnus mobilized to transport Akh Unit rotational troops to UAE

2020-06-30 9

해외파병부대 교대에 공중급유기 첫 투입…UAE아크부대 탑승

Amid concerns of the spread of COVID-19, the South Korean military is carrying out the transfer of rotational troops between South Korea and the United Arab Emirates by mobilizing one of its Air Force's aerial tankers.
This is the first time South Korea has used an aerial tanker in such a way.
Usually the troops use chartered flights, but such flights have become difficult to arrange due to the pandemic.
Seoul's defense ministry said the tanker left Incheon Airport on Tuesday carrying some 130 soldiers of the Akh Unit.
It will return to Seoul Air Base on Friday carrying the previous rotation of troops.