S. Korea divides social distancing into three levels depending on outbreak severity

2020-06-28 59

정부, '사회적 거리두기' 3단계 도입…스포츠경기 방역수칙 준수 하에 관중 제한적 입장 허용

In today's briefing, the South Korean health authorities announced three official levels of social distancing to be practiced from now on depending on the severity of the outbreak.
The first stage is the current practice of 'distancing in daily life.'
That will apply when there are fewer than 50 daily infections, the second stage is for when there are 50 to 100 cases a day and the third stage for numbers higher than that.
In the first stage, spectators will be able to attend professional sports games, which could happen as soon as this week.
Korea's professional baseball league is expected to open up around 30 percent of seats at stadiums and slowly increase the number in line with changes in the COVID-19 infection rate.