Hundreds of Black Lives Matter activists spend a third night at New York's City Hall Park

2020-06-26 1

City Hall Park in New York was filled with protesters for the third night running on Thursday (June 26), who danced and sang songs while protesting police brutality and honoring the victims of police violence.

Signs at entrances to the park read "City Hall Autonomous Zone."

Bands played, volunteers handed out food and collected garbage and a candlelight vigil was held to celebrate Tamir Rice's birthday, a 12-year-old boy shot by police officer in Ohio.

Slogans and images of victims were projected onto the government buildings surrounding the park while a scattered police presence dotted the outskirts watching but not penetrating.

“We are here because we are fed up, we are here because you are gonna see us, you are gonna respect us,” said Jamell Henderson.

“It's a beautiful thing to see a community come together as all races... It’s beautiful to finally become one, and I just love it,” said Kobe Morris.