Caution on high number of audience members during peak of summer movie release

2020-06-26 26

극장 관객 많을수록 조심...개인 방역 중요

Movie theaters in South Korea are dishing out discounts like popcorn,... and releasing a bunch of new movies this summer,... in a bid to breathe life back into the film industry.
However,... with more people now expected to filter into theaters,... so comes the concern of further COVID-19 transmissions.
Lee Seung-jae reports.
People are lined up to enter the movie theater,... showing the ushers their tickets.
In a bid to revive the film industry,... discounts are being given out,... and new films are being released.
But with more people headed to theaters,... there's concern over COVID-19 transmissions.
Health experts advise that basic guidelines be followed,... such as wearing face masks.
But they also warn that eating at the theater or talking in an enclosed space like a movie theater could further increase the chance of transmission.
While movie theaters are a great getaway from South Korea's intense summer heat,... the theaters won't have the air conditioning on full blast,... as the strong cold air could spread the virus throughout the theater.
With quarantine officials set to hold their 6th meeting over social distancing guidelines,... there could be stricter measures in place,... as sporting venues are preparing to let in fans this summer, as well.
With COVID-19 still a lingering concern in South Korea,... going to the movies, or sporting events this summer won't be the same as summers gone by.
Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.