S. Korea eases standards for quarantine release to secure hospital beds

2020-06-25 9

신규확진 28명 수도권•대전에 집중… 중대본 "격리해제 기준 변경으로 병상부담 3분의 1 정도 줄듯"

COVID-19 continues to pop up in clusters around South Korea's major cities.
The country added 28 new cases today... almost all of them in the Greater Seoul area and the
central city of Daejeon part of an outbreak linked to door-to-door sales.
Meanwhile, to ensure there are enough hospital beds available, the government has eased its standards for releasing coronavirus patients from hospital quarantine.
Asymptomatic patients will now be discharged after 10 days if they don't show any symptoms regardless of their test results.
Health authorities expect this will free up about a third more hospital beds.