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S. Korea, U.S. emphasize alliance in commemoration of Korean War's 70th anniversary

2020-06-24 9

한•미 국방장관 "6•25전쟁 70주년 맞아 한미동맹 진화시키자"

The defense chiefs of South Korea and the U.S. have released a joint statement in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the start of the Korean War.
Seoul and Washington highlight the importance of the alliance and reaffirmed their commitment to supporting diplomatic efforts for the complete denuclearization of North Korea.
Kim Ji-yeon reports.
During a joint statement to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Korean War, South Korean Defense Minister Jeong Kyeong-doo and U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper have emphasized the significance of the two countries' military alliance... after paying tribute to those who sacrificed their lives some seven decades ago.
Jeong and Esper said the alliance... which was born out of necessity and forged in blood... remains as the foundations for security, stability and prosperity on the Korean peninsula and in north east Asia.
The two countries reaffirmed their "ironclad" commitment to a combined defense posture on the Korean peninsula... as well as to strengthening and adapting the alliance to meet present and future challenges... namely those concerning North Korea.
They said the two sides remain firmly committed to defending hard-fought peace between the two Koreas and in support of diplomatic efforts for the complete denuclearization of the North... consistent with UN Security Council Resolutions.
They've called on North Korea to meet the commitments stated in the 2018 joint agreement following the Kim-Trump Singapore well as the inter-Korean Comprehensive Military Agreement... aimed at lowering tensions in the region.
Jeong and Esper said efforts to promote peace and stability in the region will continue through information sharing and combined military exercises... while seeking close cooperation in dealing the COVID-19 pandemic.
They've also highlighted the strengthening of multilateral cooperation, freedom of navigation to strengthen their security relationship.
Kim Ji-yeon, Arirang News.