Firefighters remove snake that laid eggs in household's washing machine in China

2020-06-24 14

A two-metre-long snake that laid eggs in a household's washing machine in southern China was removed by firefighters.

In the video filmed in Hunan province, a snake lies around its eight or nine eggs in a washing machine. The snake has a small pattern on its back, with a slender head and tail, which is about two-metres-long. The family were afraid to deal with it and had to ask the fire department for help.

It’s reported that the father of the household was shocked to find a long black snake curled up in the washing machine when he went to the bathroom.

Firefighters rushed to the scene, took the black snake along with the eggs back and released them in safe place. The snake was non-poisonous.

The video was filmed on June 17 and provided by local media.