Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the nation on the Covid-19 pandemic and the lockdown that was imposed from March 24 midnight. Prime Minister Modi announced a Rs 20 lakh crore economic package to deal with the Covid-19 and emerge out of it.
PM Modi did not give any details of the package. He said Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman would announce th details of the package. “It will empower various different sectors of the society. Rs 20 lakh crore package in 2020 will speed up India’s journey to become self-reliant,” PM Modi said in his address to the nation.
At his meeting with chief ministers on Monday, PM Modi had indicated that the lockdown may be extended but this extension would be very different from the last three versions in its spread and the permitted relaxations.
“I am of the firm view that the measures needed in the first phase of lockdown were not needed during the 2nd phase and similarly the measures needed in the 3rd Phase are not needed in the fourth,” he told the chief ministers.In the third version of the lockdown, the government had classified 319 districts as the green zones and allowed almost every economic activity. In the 284 districts placed in the orange zone and the 130 districts in the red zones, there were some restrictions on movement of people and traffic.