문 대통령 "추경 늦어지면 국민 고통 커져, 촌각 다투는 상황"
President Moon Jae-in is pressuring lawmakers to deliberate the government's 30 billion U.S. dollar extra budget proposal that'll be used to tackle the COVID-19 crisis.
He spoke Tuesday at a meeting to discuss quarantine measures in the Seoul metropolitan area as sporadic infections continue to pop up.
He said a delay will only increase the people's suffering and damage an economic recovery.
It's been 20 days since the government submitted the extra budget bill, but the National Assembly has yet to start deliberations. Support is desperately needed for people losing their jobs, firms on the brink of bankruptcy as well as those in the low-income bracket and other vulnerable people.
The president also called for continued efforts among quarantine authorities and local governments saying the country is at a crucial moment.
President Moon also called for cooperation from the people acknowledging the prolonged situation and the heat wave.
However, he reassured the public, saying he's confident the government has the situation under control.