Former U.S. National Securi" />
Former U.S. National Securi"/>

Bolton hoped Pyeongyang-Washington talks would collapse: memoir

2020-06-22 272

볼턴 "북미 정상회담 타결됐으면 미국에 재앙"

Former U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton has not only criticized President Trump in his memoir slated to be released this week,... but he also appears to be critical of South Korea in the lead up to the nuclear talks between North Korea and the U.S.
Kim Hyo-sun reports.
"If Kim Jong-un had said yes there, they might have had a deal, disastrous for America."
That is what former U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton wrote in his upcoming memoir, titled "The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir."
When Pyeongyang and Washington had yet to reach an agreement on where to hold the landmark summit between the two leaders,...Bolton said he hoped the whole thing collapsed.
He called the situation "disastrous" when the two countries agreed to hold their second summit in Hanoi.
Bolton was also critical of South Korea's Moon Jae-in administration for facilitating the North Korea-U.S. summit,... saying President Moon gave both Trump and Kim unrealistic expectations.
He's also quoted as writing that "the whole diplomatic fandango was South Korea's creation,"... related more to its unification agenda than a serious strategy.
The hawkish former senior official also wrote that he asked his South Korean counterpart Chung Eui-yong to avoid discussing denuclearization at the April 27th inter-Korean summit.
On the Seoul-Washington joint military exercises, Bolton explained that President Trump had repeatedly complained about how expensive and provocative they are,... and how he viewed them as a waste of money.
Bolton also explains that President Trump has voiced dissatisfaction on the stationing of U.S. troops in South Korea,... stating that Trump said he did not understand why America had fought the Korean War and why there are still so many American soldiers on the Korean Peninsula.
President Trump has accused his former top national security aide of lying,... taking to Twitter to say Bolton has broken the law by releasing classified information,... insisting that he must pay a big price for the book.
Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.