Been working on a mobility issue in the Abdominal/Hip area that was holding me back on Bent Presses with the right hand. I have a genetic issue with my shoulders and had just believed THAT was the block in my way. I went back over a Bent Pressing article by the ONLY 300lb LEFT HAND Bent Presser Harold Ansorge in the October/November 1945 Your Physique. Sure is interesting how much of an article you 'get' when you come back with a few more years experience!!
Not shown in the video, I started the workout with TEN attempts(5 each side) with 138.25lb. Ansorge said that light weights just don't show you a proper start. In fact, he believes that it can hold you back!! Even though I wasn't able to lift it, it got my body primed for a better start position. He did NOT recommend exactly what I did but, it was in the spirit of what he was talking about aka READING BETWEEN THE LINES.
From there, I moved on to Bent Pressing Brutus my 99lb Globe Dumbbell with a 1.7" thick handle. The left could do this right away and I actually moved up to Ravishing Rick Rude, my 125lb Globe dumbbell. The right was NOT able to get Brutus until near the end. I set up for the left, felt the position a few times and then tried to mimic it with the right. After this, I was FINALLY(HALLELUJAH!!) able to get the right arm to STAY in contact with the Lat! I've done up to 165lb with my right with ALL the stress on my shoulder. THIS is the first time that Bent Pressing has felt 'right' with the right! I lifted two more times with the right to help set the groove. I was ALREADY sore in my right lower Abs/Obliques BEFORE I finished sooooo I know the next couple of days are going to be fun! You just can't give up. Just keep making your movements feel better and see where it takes you. It could be months or in MY case, YEARS but, its soooooo worth it!! God Bless!!