S. Korea's Chilgok County delivers masks to Ethiopian veterans of Korean War

2020-06-19 26

‘호국의 고장’ 칠곡군, 에티오피아 6.25 참전용사에 마스크 전달

Seventy years ago, more than 6-thousand young Ethiopian soldiers fought for South Korea and were victorious in all 2-hundred-53 battles they fought in during the Korean War.
Still remembering their bravery, South Korea's Chilgok County is sending masks to Ethiopian war veterans to help them fight COVID-19.
Our Kim Sung-min reports.
From Chilgok County in South Korea to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
More than 30-thousand masks and seven hundred hand-written letters for Korean War veterans are being delivered.
Many people have been waiting for this moment, including 73 year old Choi Sam-ja.
Mrs. Choi doesn't speak English at all.
But she copied 138 letters by hand so that she could give instructions on masks that she made herself.
"They came all the way to Korea risking their lives. I think writing some letters is just nothing compared to their efforts..."
"This all began with the county's '6037 Campaign' to mark the 70th anniversary of the Korean War.
Named after the total number of Ethiopian soldiers sent to Korea, the campaign aims to commemorate their sacrifice and to support those still alive in their fight against COVID-19."
But this is not the first time for Chilgok to support Ethiopia.
From 2013, the county has raised over ten thousand dollars every year to build infrastructure in an Ethiopian village.
Now, the village is known as "Chilgok Peace Village."
"We've been building schools and water tanks to provide drinking water, and we will try building a second Chilgok Peace Village."
The Ethiopian ambassador expressed his gratitude for the county's support.
"Koreans are very good people, they don't forget what they have received from us. So I'm really greatful and my gratitude go for them."
For now, Chilgok County plans to run the 6037 Campaign until July.
But its support for the people of Ethiopia will continue, always remembering their help.
Kim Sung-min, Arirang News