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Trump blames Bolton for impasse on denuclearization process with N. Korea

2020-06-18 838

트럼프, 북미관계 교착 볼턴 탓…"리비아모델에 김정은 분통"

U.S. President Donald Trump has pointed the finger at one of his former aides for the current impasse in nuclear talks with North Korea.
Taking to Twitter,... President Trump wrote and I quote
'When Wacko John Bolton his former National Security Adviser spoke on a televised interview and looked at the "Libyan Model" for North Korea,.. all hell broke out.
Kim Jong-un, who we were getting along with very well, went "ballistic" just like his missiles."
He went on to say that Bolton's statement "set us all back very badly with North Korea, even now."
The Libya model centers on getting Pyeongyang to FIRST give up its nuclear and ballistic missile programs and then receive concessions in return.
Such blame comes as Bolton, in his new memoir quoted Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as saying a month after the Kim-Trump summit in Singapore that he thought President Trump's nuclear diplomacy with the North had "zero probability of success."