Operational return of Juan Domingo Peron from Spain 1972

2020-06-18 6

Spain: Report where the journalist Sergio Villaroel comments: - "Once again the news division of Proartel in the Spanish capital. It is not the first time, on the contrary, it is the fourth trip we have made in a little over 1 year, it is that for exactly 12 years and 8 months, since February 1, 1960, has been today the thriving capital of Spain, is closely linked to Argentine political life. On February 1, 1960, I came to this country, to this city in character former Argentine President Juan Domingo Peron was a political exile. The fact that during his government in our country some measures that were taken favored Spain in difficult moments of his life until this great avenue on which we are has been named with his And since that February 1960, 6 presidents have succeeded each other in our country, but this time, in this November 1972, our presence here in Madrid has a very special meaning because everything seems to indicate that it is Perhaps the moment of truth has arrived, from now on the decisions that are made become part of the great history of Argentine politics. Eighteen years have passed since Juan Domingo Perón was overthrown from power in our country. Until today, much water has flowed under the bridges and many events have deeply moved our institutions. Today it finally seems, we reiterate, we are facing the moment of great definitions; from now on to be more concrete, in just 4 days there will be no possibility of orders and counter-orders, of positive and negative attitudes, of high and low-level discussions, of denied versions and transcended. On November 17 there will be one step from greatness to misery, it is we reiterate, the moment of truth and we are here to follow minute by minute what happens until November 17, at 9 in the morning the plane that should take Juan Domingo Perón back to the country will land at Ezeiza International Airport. Now we begin to collect the information, we are already heading to the Puerta de Hierro neighborhood, to the former president's residence, on the fifth of October 17. -November 13, 1972, Madrid, Spain. Puerta de Hierro neighborhood, residence October 17. No one here in Madrid knows, nor in Argentina where Juan Domingo Perón is. "(Sergio Villaroel)
Date: 11/13/1972
Duration: 5 minutes 54 minutes
Film code: C-00423

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