Seoul's top nuclear envoy visits Washington amid escalating tensions on Korean Peninsula

2020-06-17 44

이도훈 한반도 평화교섭본부장 전격 방미…‘특사 역할’ 주목

As border tensions flare up between the Koreas,... the South Korean foreign ministry's special representative for security affairs, Lee Do-hoon, is in Washington.
He arrived there on Wednesday afternoon, local time.
Little is known about his unscheduled visit,... which comes in less than 2-days after North Korea blew up the inter-Korean liaison office.
There are no details on who he'll be seeing or what discussions they'll have, but it's highly likely he'll be meeting with his American counterpart Stephen Biegun as well as U.S. National Security Adviser, Robert O'Brien.
With his visit coming just a day after Seoul's top security meeting reportedly discussed sending a special envoy to the U.S.,... it's also possible Lee is playing that role.
This would be the first time that Lee and U.S. officials have held face-to-face talks since the global outbreak of COVID-19.