Topic Clusters: The Next Evolution of SEO

2020-06-16 8

Google have changed their algorithm to favor topic-based content.

As a result, SEOs are exploring a new way of linking related content under a "topic clusters" model.

SEO is now shifting to a topic cluster model, where a single “pillar” page acts as the main hub of content for a overarching topic and multiple content pages that are related to that same topic link back to the pillar page and to each other.

This linking action signals to search engines that the pillar page is an authority on the topic, and over time, the page may rank higher and higher for the topic it covers.

An example is search for seo basics 2020

These two links are perfect example of Topic Clusters

Search Engines Are Forcing SEOs to Adapt

search engines have changed their algorithms in response to consumers’ behavioral changes.

Algorithms have evolved to the point where they can understand the

topical context behind the search intent,

tie it back to similar searches they have encountered in the past,

and deliver web pages that best answer the query.

with Google's Hummingbird update

search algorithm began parsing out phrases rather than focusing solely on keywords.

Hummingbird is Google’s official switch from a keyword to a topic focus.

Next is Rankbrain update

RankBrain is Google’s machine learning algorithm designed to understand the context of people’s search queries.

As per HUbspot more interlinking they did, the better the placement in search engine results pages

What Does This Mean for your Website?

Most probably your website link structure will look like this.

This setup makes it harder for search engines to crawl through all the pages quickly.

All these pages end up competing with each other to get found by search engines, and ultimately, the searcher.

clusters of content that cover a topic area link to a central pillar page that definitively -- yet broadly -- outlines the topic.

By linking all internal content within that topic to a pillar page, search engines such as Google, Bing, or Yandex can easily scan all the content and understand that there is a semantic relationship between the pages' content.

cluster setup also signals to search engines that there is real breadth and depth in the content, which gives the pillar page more authority on the topic.

How to Create a Topic Cluster?

Let’s use the topic of “content marketing” as an example.

Audit your existing content pages and group them by topic focus.

Tactical Tips to Get Started With Topic Clusters

Map out five to ten core problems that your buyer persona has.

Use surveys, run interviews, and do some secondary research within online communities as needed to gather the data.

Group each of the problems into broad topic areas.

Validate each idea with industry and competitive research.

Create content, measure the impact, and refine.

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