닫혔던 유럽내 국경 석달만에 '활짝'…휴양지에 마스크 관광객
Most of Europe has seen a downward trend in the number of new COVID-19 cases,... leading to countries re-opening their borders for Europeans who want to go on summer vacation after months cooped up at home.
But is it too early?
According to some experts, it could well be.
Lee Seung-jae reports.
The mercury is rising,... and the number of COVID-19 cases is going down.
That's the case in most parts of Europe,... as many countries have decided to open their borders,... with the summer holiday season just around the corner.
This includes some of the most visited European countries like Germany, France, Spain and Italy,... where visitors who wish to make non-essential trips,... and tourist visits will be permitted.
The only catch is,... many are only allowing Europeans into their countries,... to prevent further imported cases of COVID-19.
However,... with more than 2 million infections,.. and over 182-thousand deaths,... Europe remains cautious.
Not to mention,... Rome is now on high alert,... as two new cluster COVID-19 infections popped up over the weekend.
This includes more than 100 infections at the San Raffaele Pisana hospital,... which reported at least five deaths.
Many health experts are pointing to the United States as an example of what can happen when restrictions are eased too quickly.
Over 20 states in the U.S. are now seeing a resurgence in cases,... including Oregon, Nevada, Wyoming and three other states.... recording a rise of over 50-percent over the past week.
With the U.S. potentially facing a second wave,... some governors are looking into the possibility of enforcing another lockdown in order to slow the spread of the virus,... which has infected more than 2 million people and killed more than 118-thousand in the United States.
Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.