Diplomatic experts' analysis on current inter-Korean tensions caused by leaflet firing

2020-06-15 5

문정인 "실존적 위협 느끼는 북한, 군사행동 나설 수도"... 정세현,이종석 "대북전단 살포 통제해야"

Experts on inter-Korean affairs stress the need to root out the source of ongoing conflict with North Korea - namely, the South Korean activist groups' launching of anti-North Korea leaflets across the border.
Faced with an "existential threat," it is possible for Pyeongyang to ramp up its hostilities.
Kim Mok-yeon reports.

South Korea should be prepared for any kind of military scenario.
That's special adviser on unification and security affairs to the president at a commemorative event marking 20 years since the June 15 inter-Korean declaration.

"North Korea's actions show that it's experiencing existential threats. I think the regime chose to take the bull by the horns and show that it could take hostile action if the situation doesn't change.

If anything were to occur, he added, it is key to hold discussions with the U.S. and particularly China, which is a close ally of the North, because Seoul's communication lines with Pyeongyang have been severed.

Highlighting that launching propaganda leaflets across the border is a violation of the Panmunjeom
Declaration, former Unification Minister Lee Jong-seok said it's key to resolve this issue before moving on to other inter-Korean affairs.

"The problems with the anti-North Korea leaflets should be dealt with separately. It should not be overanalyzed as issues with the economy or peace."

"Before any organizations send over more leaflets to the North prompting Pyeongyang to look for harsh consequences, I hope parliament can swiftly legislate a bill to ban such acts."

"Regarding the bill, ruling party floor leader Kim Tae-nyeon has pledged to enact a law that bans leaflet-sending to the North in the coming extraordinary session, and to put an end to the age-long war of attrition."

Kim Mok-yeon, Arirang News.