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President Moon stresses need to abide by inter-Korean peace agreements

2020-06-15 39

문대통령 "남북관계 멈춰선 안돼…평화 약속 돌릴 수 없다"

President Moon Jae-in stressed today that inter-Korean relations cannot be put on hold and that promises of peace cannot be undone.
Speaking in a meeting with his top aides,... Moon said he has a heavy heart as the country marks the 20th anniversary since the first-ever inter-Korean summit -- calling on the two Koreas find a breakthrough together.

We can no longer just wait for conditions to get better. The fate of the Korean Peninsula belongs to us, so we must seek and push ahead with potential projects. I will also make constant efforts to win the support of the international community. I ask North Korea to open its door to dialogue and to gather wisdom.

It was the president's first official response to North Korea's criticisms and threats against South Korea.
Moon said that two Koreas should not backtrack on their summit deals,... and vowed continued efforts to implement the agreements he signed with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in 2018.
He also said that North Korea should not cut off communication and raise tensions -- rather, the two Koreas need to take steps toward peace and unification.