KCDC to be promoted as an administrative organization, independent from health ministry

2020-06-15 14

질병관리본부→질병관리청으로 승격…“독자 권한 확대”

The ruling bloc in South Korea's legislature has finalized a plan to promote the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to an independent administrative organization.
Currently, the KCDC is under the health ministry.
But the ruling Demoractic Party, the government, and the presidential office decided on Monday to upgrade it to the "Disease Control and Prevention Service,"... enabling it to indendently operate its own budget, personnel and organization.
The plan also gives the KCDC the exclusive power to establish and implement virus-prevention policies,... and it will get to keep its research arm and not have to transferr it to the health ministry.
The proposal will be submitted to the National Assembly within the week after a Cabinet meeting.

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