Bald rooster without feathers needs protection after being bullied by his siblings

2020-06-13 6

A bald rooster without feathers who is bullied by the other birds is receiving special protection from its owner - allowing him to avoid the chopping block which awaits his tormentors.

The three-month-old bird, named Syd, ambles round the farm in Ang Thong, central Thailand, but is constantly pecked and kicked by the other roosters.

Breeder Kittipong Petchprasom, 32, said that the attackers are the rooster's own siblings.

He is now keeping Syd in a different coop to try and prevent attacks. He even keeps the bird as his own personal pet instead of selling it for game fighting or the chopping board - the fate which awaits the birds bullying hapless Syd.

Kittipong said: "This poor rooster was always pecked by his siblings because of its different appearance, so I have to hand rear him in a different coop.

"Apart from having no feathers and living outside of its flock, he's just a normal rooster.  

''I've started to feel a lot of affection for Syd now, so I will raise him as a pet instead of selling him. 

''The other birds will be sold and be used in bird fighting sports or eaten, but Syd will stay with me and have an easy life.''