Two Years Since Kim, Trump Singapore Summit: N. Korea, U.S. relations Analysis & Forecast

2020-06-12 2

6.12 북미회담 2주년: 북미관계 진단, 전망. Sean King, VP of Park Strategies

So, how does Washington view the long-stalled U.S., North Korea denuclearization talks... does it stand a chance of being picked up in this election year for President Donald Trump?
Live on the line for us is Sean King, VP of Park Strategies and an Asian Affairs Scholar.
Sean, great to have you on the show.
Sean, it seems like just yesterday, certainly not two years ago, that the entire world watched in awe the genuinely historic first ever summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-in. There was hope something concrete could come of it.
Two years later, where are we on this two year anniversary? North Korea today said two years of diplomacy with President Trump had "faded away into a dark nightmare."
It definitely appears North Korea is more interested in getting the U.S.' attention than Washington is of Pyeongyang's. We've been seeing North Korea ramp up its aggressive rhetoric toward South Korea, yes, but also the U.S. dripping with anti-Washington remarks.
Is North Korea fed up with not being at the top of Washington's agenda especially faced with persistent U.S.-led sanctions?
How relevant is North Korea in the U.S. election cycle? Is Pyeongyang's threat to pressure Washington ahead of the upcoming election a "threat" enough to prompt a solid enough reaction/response from Washington?
What's next? What do you expect from Pyeongyang in the next couple of weeks and months? Do we expect bigger provocations from North Korea? How will U.S. election results shape Washington, Pyeongyang relations?
Sean King, VP of Park Strategies and an Asian Affairs Scholar, many thanks as always for speaking to us this evening. We appreciate it.