There's A Crisis That Is Quietly Creating New Economic Superpowers. America vs china economic war By info Mative

2020-06-12 1

As China begins to reopen its factories and return back to work, what they are returning to will not be the same ... Despite China being the worlds economic darling for the last 40 years, the balance of the worlds economic power has begun to shift. to some places that you might not expect. In fact, we are already starting to see some signs of other nations around the world, rising up in order to take away some of China's manufacturing prowess away from them. And who knows, we might be witnessing the creation of the next generation of economic superpowers, right infront of our very eyes. But the reason that this is happening is a little complex. It started a few decades ago in 1970's China when the country began shifting its economic policy away from communism, and more towards capitalism. They soon began building specific economic zones where massive ports and factories could be built
that would maximize productivity and efficiency. And once these economic zones were opened up to foreign trade and investment, And if that wasn't enough , privacy concerns and tensions between China and the Western world have been on the rise ever since the country began taking over part of the worlds tech sector . Ever since then , governments around the world have been actively trying to push Chinese technology out of their countries , while also incentivizing businesses to make their products domestically instead of China . In fact , just last week , the departments of justice in the United States have requested that the FCC terminate China's Telecom Authorization in the United States , citing it as a national security risk . And all of these things , from rising labor costs , to geopolitical issues , have led us to today ... and the pandemic . You see , even though China - sourced manufacturing has been slowing down over the past decade , the country still remains the largest manufacturer in the world . india economy . China economy . Vietnam economy . Mexico Economy . United States Economy . Too long , End of Transcript .
China's economy began exploding.