Local Ad Link The Power www.ZipLinks.net LocalAdLink

2008-12-26 23

http://www.ZipLinks.net There is a new program that is helping local businesses get geographically targeted traffic from the search engines. It's called LocalAdLink, and this is exploding—it is attracting some very big hitters. Here is a Camtasia video that explains the local ad program. The first 9 minutes explains who is behind this (that shows the muscle of how powerful this is) and the rest explains exactly how the process works: http://www.localadsalesteam.com/LALS/LALBO120308/LALBO120308.HTML Here is the general website: www.MyLink.localadlink.net or www.ZipLinks.net http://www.LocalAdLink.com Thanks, Jeremy Green. 323 440 9130 Jem.Green Skype. Distributed by Tubemogul.