Keeping Up with Kardashians star and make-up mogul Kylie Jenner has been accused of ditching the social distancing rules to party the night away. The 22-year old diva was snapped during a night out with sister Kendall Jenner’s friend Fai Khadra. They were spotted arriving at popular Bootsy Bellows, which was reportedly opened just for them. The venue owned by David Arquette was closed due to the COVID-19 scare, and now it appears that it is re-opening for celebrity clientele. In the images snapped by the paparazzi, Kylie was seen ignoring the social distancing rules as she holds Khadra’s arm while entering the club together. A source revealed that they stayed there past midnight. Kylie was spotted wearing an all-black outfit while Khadra was also seen donning a black attire. Back in the month of April, Kylie also paid a visit to her best friend Stassie amid the lockdown. She was snapped without any make-up and barefoot. She reportedly snuck out to get some snacks. This seems weird, as back in March, Kylie had stressed the need to self-quarantine amid the COVID-19 pandemic. It was quite recently that the Forbes had alleged that Kylie Jenner had faked her way to billionaire status by reportedly using fake tax returns to win the status of ‘youngest-ever self-made billionaire’. Meanwhile, apart from the parties, Kylie has been spending a lot of time with her little tot Stormi and posting cute videos and pictures of the two-year-old.