Twitter on Tuesday announced that it is testing a new feature in India called 'Fleets', the platform's own version of stories that disappear after 24 hours. "Testing, testing... We are testing a way for you to think out loud without the likes, retweets or replies, called Fleets! Best part? They disappear after 24 hours," Twitter India wrote. The company also shared a video, demonstrating users on how to use the new feature. "Fleets are a way to share fleeting thoughts. Unlike tweets, Fleets disappear after 24 hours and do not get retweets, likes or public replies-- people can only react to your Fleets with DMs. Instead of showing up in people's timelines, Fleets are viewed by tapping on your avatar," Twitter's product lead Kayvon Beykpour had said in March. Last month, the company also allowed its users to schedule tweets from the main web application.