On Sunday, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced four reforms to the city's Police Department.The reforms look to "strengthen trust between officers and the New Yorkers they serve.".On e of those reforms is that the NYPD will no longer be issuing tickets to street vendors.In fact, the department will not even be the agency that oversees vendor enforcement, going forward.The City will shift enforcement for street vending out of NYPD so our officers can focus on the real drivers of crime instead of administrative infractions, Mayor's Office.This news was well received by the Street Vendor Project of the Urban Justice Center.According to their research, the NYPD has issued about 18,000 tickets annually to vendors over the past three years.The Street Vendor Project for many years organized street vendors and demanded that the NYPD stop harassing vendors. Street vending isn’t a crime and street vendors aren’t criminals, Mohamed AttiaStreet Vendor Project