N. Korea Cuts All Communication Lines with S. Korea: U.S. Perspective

2020-06-09 20

남북 다시 불통시대: 미국 관점

Let's try reading into North Korea's latest move.
Joining us live from New York is Dr. Stephen Noerper, Senior Director for Policy at Korea Society and senior research scholar at Columbia University.
Dr. Noerper, it's a pleasure to have you on our show.
Flying anti-Pyeongyang balloons over the border - this is nothing new, but North Korea has been issuing a series of vitriolic denunciations of the South over this leading up this severance of all ties today.
What is North Korea's true intentions behind this? Is it really anger towards Seoul over the propanganda leaflets or is North Korea deliberately creating tensions for other reasons in the face of persistent U.S.-led sanctions?
The latest development comes just three days before the two-year anniversary of a landmark summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and U.S. President Donald Trump in Singapore.
There's been a deadlock in talks since then. In your view, will Pyeongyang's latest moves initiate a response from Washington?
Then, what? What's next? What is your assessment of the prospective role of South Korea in Korean peninsula denuclearization process AND North Korea, U.S. denuclearization talks and what's your forecast of the long stalled talks?
Stephen Noerper, Senior Director for Policy at Korea Society and senior research scholar at Columbia University, many