Aggressive cobra tries to attack locals in Thailand after being caught on the side of house

2020-06-08 87

This is the terrifying moment an aggressive wild cobra tried to attack locals after it was caught down the side of a house.

The residents called for help after noticing the serpent hiding under bags of compost on the property in Krabi province, southern Thailand, on June 5.

When snake wranglers arrived at the scene they were met with an unusually fierce female snake that began hissing menacingly an lunging at them.

Excited locals gathered round to film the snake as cobra expert, Panya, and his team coaxed the snake into a blue sack.

It was eventually subdued and stuffed into the bag before being driven away and released into the jungle.

Panya said: "The cobra was young and aggressive. Sometimes younger snakes can be the most dangerous as they will strike indiscriminately, while older, more experienced cobras can be more reserved.

''It is good that the resident called us in time before the snake had chance to harm any of the family.''