S. Korea reports more than 50 COVID-19 cases for two straight days, mostly centered on capital region

2020-06-07 55

코로나19 신규확진 57명•이틀째 50명대…수도권 집단감염 확산

For a second day in a row South Korea has reported more than 50 cases of COVID-19.
The KCDC confirmed 57 new cases on Sunday, most of them part of cluster infections in the capital area.
All but four were local transmissions.
The clusters they're linked to are a Seoul-based door-to-door sales company called Richway... and a table tennis room.
The nearby city of Yongin has also reported a cluster infection linked to a church.
The number of new cases has been declining in general since a spike in late May, but the health authorities have once again urged people to continue the practice of distancing in daily life.

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