President Moon vows to maintain peace and strengthen national security in Korea

2020-06-06 33

문대통령 “두 번 다시 전쟁없는 평화의 한반도는 국가 책무”

Today marks the 65th Memorial Day here in South Korea, a day to remember the nation's fallen heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country.
President Moon Jae-in attended the Memorial Day service at the Daejeon National Cemetery and vowed to maintain peace as well as strengthen the security and defense of Korea, claiming it's the core responsibility of the government.
(" It's the responsibility of the government to create a war-free peaceful Korean peninsula. The government will do its utmost to strengthen national defense and security to maintain peace.")
He honored the sacrifices of the patriots and their bereaved families, and vowed to continue compensation efforts.
Moon also used the occasion to express gratitude to the soldiers and nurses striving to protect the nation from the COVID-19 pandemic.
He said that such acts would also make the nation's patriots deeply proud and reassured.

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