Samsung on June 04 launched its Galaxy A31, which comes with a 6.4-inch Super AMOLED Infinity U display, versatile 48MP quad camera, and powerful 5000 mAh battery. The device is packed with an 8MP ultra-wide camera, with its 123-degree field of view. The 5MP macro camera is for close-ups, while the 5MP Depth camera allows the cell-phone user to take live focus/bokeh shots. It has AI scene optimiser that supports 30 scenes as well as the AR doodle feature that enriches videos using the augmented reality technology by letting the user draw quirky 3D art. The phone comes with 15W fast charging and a 20MP front camera to let you take high-resolution selfies. The front camera also supports the live focus feature. Galaxy A31 will be available in 6/128 GB variant and is priced at Rs 21,999. It will be available in prism crush blue, black and white colours, across retail stores and leading online portals.