Colorful Fruity Boba Pearls Recipe - Failsafe Revised Boba Pearls Recipe!

2020-06-04 2

Is Fruity Boba Pearl the next Unicorn beverage?
Colorful and Fruity Boba Pearls could be the next Unicorn Boba Pearl Beverage!

Previously I did a video on how to make tapioca boba pearls at home and some have been telling me that their dough end up becoming too stick and could not work on the dough to roll them. So just recently I've got some extra time and thought that I should improve the recipe to make it failsafe, so anyone can make it at home with ease.

And this time, even better, I am sharing the recipe for boba pearls that are made with fresh fruits!

Full detail recipe here :

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Music Credit;
Ocean by KV Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0

#bobapearls #tapiocapearls #bubblemilktea