Restaurant Delivery Services Are Operating on Limited Hours Due to Curfews

2020-06-03 23

A delicate public health situation—with stay-at-home orders slowly lifting—has now become even trickier to navigate.Many people who have been self-isolating to protect their health have been leaning heavily on delivery services for meals.Now, these delivery services are experiencing disruptions in certain parts of the country.Since, during evening hours, curfews are causing some cities to effectively shut down.DoorDash has been forced to make immediate operational adjustments.The health and safety of our community of Dashers, merchants, and customers remain our top priority...At this time, DoorDash is tailoring operations based on the guidance we have received from governments, such as reducing hours to abide by local curfews, DoorDash.What makes the current situation unique is that, unlike at other times, these services are considered "essential.".And blanket curfews are putting food delivery's essential status to the test